Alexander Morgunov - Associate Professor, Department of Corporate Information Systems, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail:
Implementation of information systems in a large company with a wide network of branches is usually associated with a number of difficulties of organizational and technical nature. Implementation projects are time consuming not always lead to desired results. The paper discusses the problems related to implementation of the information system of automation of technological processes and workflow of subscription for periodical printed publications in branches of Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) «Russian Post». General performance of the business process automation before the implementation is estimated, organizational and technical problems that arise during implementation of a new information system are examined. Such problems are associated with continuity of the technological process, impossibility of performing operation with «empty database», problems of personnel development, unification of business processes, as well as large quantity of implementation objects (more than 42 000). As a result of the study the advantages of implementation of the unified information system, which may be gained by post operators are analyzed. The article’s matters can be of interest to experts studying the implementation of information system.
Morgunov Alexander Fedorovich (2014) Vnedrenie raspredelennoy informatsionnoy sistemy v mnogofilial'noy organizatsii: opyt FGUP «Pochta Rossii» [Implementation of a distributed information system in a multi-branch organization: FSUE «Russian Post» case study ] Biznes-informatika, 1 (27), pp. 34-41 (in Russian)